Tinypic menghentikan layanan image hosting tampilan blog jadi kacau
Di situs tinypic terpajang pesan:
Tinypic is no longer accepting uploads from international locations, and links are turned off. If you have content on Tinypic, you can still view the URLs and the content, but only on Tinypic. To upload, share, or link content, please go to Photobucket.com to register an account. You will need to upload your content again to your Photobucket account, but you will be able to share and link your images and videos. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope that you enjoy Photobucket, our premier image and video site
Dengan berhentinya layanan tinypic merupakan kabar kurang baik buat blogger, khususnya buat blogger yang meng-upload file di tinypic. Blog ini termasuk mengalami sedikit masalah , gambar background dan menu navigasi yang menggunakan gambar yang diupload di tinypic tiba-tiba tidak bisa tampil, solusi sementara gambar tersebut di download dari tinypic kemudian diupload ke blogger.
Untuk sementara menggunakan imageshack dan blogger , karena jika menggunakan photobucket sering muncul pesan : photobucket.com badwith exceed .
Penutupan layanan tinypic juga berpengaruh pada beberapa tutorial blog ini, beberapa url gambar dari tinypic pada tutorial harus diganti agar tetap berfungsi. Gambar harus diupload ulang ke imageshack atau blogger.
Update 25 September 2005
Pihak pengelola tinypic sudah mengaktifkan kembali layanan image hosting, form upload sudah tersedia dan link sudah bisa aktif. Di situsnya ada tambahan pesan seperti di bawah ini :
We heard from many of our users in regards to these changes and we appreciate your feedback. Tinypic has restored linking to your images and enabled uploading. Please rest assured no content was removed from the site. We tried to notify users on Tinypic and requested they move their content to Photobucket. Unfortunately this messaging was insufficient and has taken many of our users by surprise and we apologize. Our intent was to begin combining some of the best features of Tinypic and Photobucket, thereby offering users a better experience. Any changes in the future will be better communicated. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Screenshot tinypic bisa dilihat di bawah ini :